It is a self limited disorder

It is seen mainly in teenagers and young adults


Mainly by increase in sebum production by sebaceous glands after puberty.

small cysts called comedons,form in hair follicles due to blockage of follicular orifice

by retention of sebam and keratinous material.

Proprionobacterium acnes bacteria with in comedones release free fatty acids from sebum, causes inflammation within the cysts, and results in rupture of the cyst wall.

Clinical features

the clinical hallmark of acne vulgaris is the comedone,2types

1)closed (whitehead)



they appear as 1 to 2mm pebbly white papules

they are the precursors of inflammatory lesions of acne vulgaris

open comedones

these have a large dilated follicular orifice

and filled with easily expressible oxidized,darkened,oily debries

comedones are usually accompanied by inflammatory lesions




sites mainly seen

the earlist lesions seen on the forehead subsequently more typical inflammatory

lesions on the cheek,nose and chine.

most common locations for acne is face ,uncommons sites are chest and back.

factors influence acne

1)glucocorticoids,applied topically or adminstered systemically in high doses may

elicit acne

2)systemic medications such as lithium,isoniazid,halogens,phenytoin
and phenobarbital may produce or aggravate preexisting acne.

3)application of comedogenic topical agents


it may be treated with either localor systemic medications

Areas affected with acne should be kept clean.

topical agents-

prevent formation of comedones

1)retinoic acid

2)benzoyl peroxide

3)salicylic acids

topical antibacterial agents

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